Building on the success of last year's outing, the DCCC was a two-day event and was a great mix of comic creators, artists, writers, alcohol, geekdom, alcohol, Doctor Whoness and... alcohol. Last year Team Wisdom, named after Doctor Who scribe Paul Cornell's Marvel comic, took second place at the charity quiz. This year, amidst muchserious and scary competition between our newly renamed Team Excalibur (Paul's tenure on that Marvel title starts in 2008, True Believers!) and Mark Millar's Team Sex Panthers (don't even ask) we were both beaten into joint-third place in part by the blatant cheating of the 'pro's' group which included Jim Lee, Liam Sharp and a host of googling blackberrys (sounds like a group). However we won all sorts of moral victories and as it was all for charity, all was forgiven (until next year when we crush their skulls and destroy their will to live).
Originally only going for the social side, I was drafted in to host a panel about comics and movies with top names including Andy Diggle (ex-2000AD editor and The Losers scribe) and Jock (Losers artist etc). Great fun. Hopefully for the audience too.
An excellent outing only marred by a restricted budget (Christmas and Denver are coming up WAY too quickly for financial comfort) and a snooty cow on the RyanAir desk early Monday morning who insisted I'd asked for online check-in and then not printed out my boarding pass... so I'd have to pay for another one or not get on my flight. It was only 3 Euros, but knowing that I hadn't even requested online check-in to begin with, never mind had a boarding pass to print, I was indignant. Thumbs down for the cheapo airline trying to make some extra cash off weary travellers.
Congrats to all involved in the DCCC and also to Paul for being part of (another) winning team for their work on Who at the Writers' Guild Awards at BAFTA. The official 'nicest man in comics' deserves it all.
(Above pic shows Paul, Mark Peyton, myself and RossS before our moral victory)