Saw the new X-Files movie this week.

Truthfully... I thought it was pretty dreadful. The acting was okay, the direction was okay, but the whole film feels... unfinished. The series ran out of steam because Chris Carter and company liked asking questions but didn't see any urgency in answering them. This film sums that up... there's hardly a plot point that doesn't have a whopping great '?' after it. In fact, you'd be lucky to find one definitive comment in the whole movie. I'm not sure if that's because of the rush to get it to screen, or just the team wanting to play up the ambigious angles every few minutes, but there's huge holes in the logic and action and far too few explanations of various actions that just left me scratching my head. Maybe I just need one of their ludicrously powerful torches/flashlights.

It's a pity because I got to do press with David Duchovny and Chris Carter yesterday and they're nice, engaging people who obviously care about the franchise and enjoyed doing it. I'd like to see another X-Files movie somewhere down the line, but if this is the end, so be it. Those of you who haven't seen it yet and intend to, there's a nice scene/coda after the credits. There's a boat and everything :)

London was incredibly hot - hotter than most of the days in Iowa recently - and it was nice to chill by the Thames for a few hours after all the round-table press stuff. Of course, back in Leeds today, with a ton of stuff to do for Impact, it's been rainy and greay and awful. SO much for a day out and for British summertime!

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