This woman is cleverer, funnier and stronger than I am. So she can certainly kick YOUR ass...


So many deadlines and dinosaur incursions, so little time...


Lay back and think of the air-miles I'm earning...

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Archive for December 2005

It's 01:22 Christmas Day.

Everyone with a life is off decking the halls with holly, or if remotely sane, asleep or drunk (maybe a bit of both).

Guess it's just me, the guy in the red suit and the reindeer up (and at least Santa and Rudolf are busy).

Tra la la....bored now.

December, already? Where does the time go? No, I know the answer to that... deadlines, chores, lack of light at this time of the year and more deadlines. I haven't even started on the Christmas card list yet and presents will need to go off internationally sooner rather than later. I'm just glad most of my friends have so many deadlines and chores of their own they haven't realised my slacking.

It's been an interesting year, full of surprising highs and lows. The lows will take care of themselves over time one hopes, but the highs have been good. Two weeks in Australia for HLWW6. Four days shadowing the cast of Serenity in Edinburgh and most recently a week or so on-set with the cast and crew of Highlander: The Source.

It was quite cold out there and slowly got colder by the day - or rather the night. Several layers of clothing didn't suffice - I looked like the Micheline man's cousin. However it was worth it as there's a chance that I may be glimpsed near the start of the movie as a drunk - who says you can't go home again?

Lots of photos were taken, naturally most are too spoilerific (or out of focus), but the two above show the atmosphere and climate on set. The lighting there was just amazing and no frost-bite in the long run...or anywhere else for that matter. I have no idea if the final movie will be great or not but the commitment of the actors, the camera work and the long hours certainly suggest it has everything going for it.

Less than a hundred days until HLWW7 in Leeds. Can I panic now?