Yes, it's been an age - but I've had so many things on the back-burner that the back-burner was starting to look like a nuclear barbeque and so things needed to be attended to and anyway, look... over there... a distraction. Those of you looking at this on the actual blogsite will notice a radical new look for the page. As usual, it's a work in progress and will be tweaked and rolled-out across the various ThereGoesTheDay pages in the next couple of weeks.
So, where was I? Well, the month of May was a radically bad month for me and just about everyone I know. My brother's and sister-in-law's house was broken into (the burglars not only stealing some electronic stuff but sparing the time to go out of their way to trash my nephew's toys - which takes a special kind of bastard to want to do), my girlfriend's cars seriously broke down twice (her recent car specatcularly dying en route to us getting a new netbook on my birthday and the subsequent newest car - purchased a week ago - having its brakes fail yesterday (Jilly unharmed but very unimpressed. Both cars checked in advance, so much gnashing of teeth but what can you do?) .
Earlier in the month Jilly and I had our eyes on a local house going for a massively reduced price in the current market and yet JUST out of our reach. On the day that we finally worked out enough algebra and wish-making to have purchased it, it was sold. Ah, how would we measure the heights of joy without the depths of the bog of eternal-stench of bad-timing? Peh.
The end of the month brought other news which didn't exactly send me spinning into dances of joy (which wouldn't have been pretty anyway) and I'm awaiting specifics and confirmation of those details which I'll mention here if and when they solidify. However, despite everything Jilly and remain resolutely sane and determined - which probably means we're insane, completely misunderstand everything and should just go cry in a corner somewhere.
On the good news front, the trip to Iowa was great (I took on a battle with a shed and it came out as a tie), a new netbook was a must given the performance of my laptop (which will go in for repair shortly due to irritable vowel key syndrome, dodgy sound and a malevolent DVD-drive) and though I couldn't get a cheaper US version, the UK variant I got on my return was reasonably cheap and does what it says on the tin. (If the tin says 'HP' on it). I went down for the X-Men: First Class press stuff and was very impressed with the finished film, not to mention an early, EARLY morning visit to Marble Arch where I spotted the jelly-babies in the photo above).
Anyway, May is done with and June promises sunshine. I'd like that in writing, please. Preferably in triplicate and on the back of a $100 bill.
~ John
(PS: I'm ebaying a ton of rare movie stuff, so please check that out! - )