Usually, when it comes to journalism, I'm on the safe side of the tape-recorder or printed page. I'm a great believer that the subject of the interview is much more important than the person asking the questions - as long as the questions are good and the replies more than a grunted 'yes' or 'no' (which, yes, does happen on occasion and, no, it's not pleasant).
However on some ocassions, I'm the subject of the interview and when it's transcribed word-for-word, then I realise how often I 'um' and 'ah' and say 'You know?', myself. It's quite so
bering to realise I'm not half as articulate when being interviewed as when I transcribe someone else's words and trim accordingly...

Highlander WorldWide's fan magazine, The Buzz, interviewed me in Vancouver last year - just before I went on stage -and the electronic version is out today. That's Elizabeth Gracen on the cover (pictured), ex-Miss America and Highlander co-star and all-round nice person. I think I'm sandwiched between an interview with her and one with Blues legend Jim Byrnes, so I'm in esteemed company. I think I name-checked everyone I should do, including my late Uncle David who got me started on the journalism thing and my wildly successful brother, Steve, who has just finished his fourth novel. I think I got my dates right as well... I just realised today that my first ever newspaper review appeared at the very end of 1988. Nothing big, just a snippet in the local free paper and I was still very young and inexperienced (I still am!).
The only thing to note is that my brother's blog is actually which was spelled wrong in the piece and I wouldn't want people to miss out! :)