Chatshow presenter Jonathan Ross, a guest on unsuccessful wannabee-libertine (but successful self-publicising idiot) Russell Brand's radio show, decide they should both ring up veteran actor Andrew Sachs when he doesn't do a scheduled interview and leave a message on his answer-phone. This turns into the kind of rant/message that includes the men giggling over how Brand may have 'fucked Sachs' grand-daughter' on a previous occasion and how Sachs now might want to kill himself. Then then decide to leave another message which again dissolves into offensive farce. So far the Beeb has received around 27,000 complaints - though to be fair, many generated by tabloid The Daily Mail's self-serving headline 'shame' campaign rather than the initial audience for the radio show.
Ross can be a bit of a prat and pureile on his own show, but would usually know better. Brand is a talentless idiot who simply likes to shock (for my American readers, he's the British guy in Forgetting Sarah Marshall and the 'comic' called your outgoing President a 'cowboy retard' at the recent MTV Music Awards). Brand pranced around for a few days giving non-apology apologies and has now 'decided' to leave his job at the BBC. Quite why he had a job to begin with is bizarre but it's quite right that he takes a large chuck of the blame alongside Ross and especially the producer who ALLOWED the show to be broadcast despite it being pre-recorded and Sachs making a formal complaint and NOT giving permission. Ross remains in his job, but suspended. It was shameful 'entertainment' and shows what people can do when they think they're invincible and unaccountable. Thankfully the BBC has belatedly done something about it, but should have done better.
In less salacious but more interesting news, David Tennant has confirmed he's stepping down as Doctor Who after the 2009 specials. A new actor will assume the mantle in the full 2010 season. Tennant will be a bloody tough act to follow, but new show-runner Stephen Moffatt looks like he knows what he's doing. Who will be cast? Exactly. I'm sure they'll get it right.
Wait. Russell Brand resigns from his day job on the same day that they announce there'll be a new Doctor? Ye Gods. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.