Much fun was had at the Leeds City Hotel (with the impressive view from the bar there to the right) and the Savile Hall's actual con venue. On the panel wre Doctor Who and Marvel writer Paul Cornell, Iron Man designer Adi Granov, The Losers and Daredevil writer Andy Diggle and we were joined later by Losers artist Jock.
The Movie panel was great fun and it's always made easier when the panellists are conversational and fun. Though there wasn't any great news to break, it proved to be a good analysis of where the industry is and the way that those in the comics field are responding to it. It easily lasted the allotted full hour and I think we could have gone on a bit too - so that's always good.
The week before had seemed packed to the brim, so I went into the weekend already suffering from a lack of sleep. However I was well looked after during and after by Mark and Sabrina Peyton and Lisa Wood and I should thank them here for the good company and two very tasty meals with the guests and the party at the casino on Saturday evening. You'll be reading more about the day in the Impacts coming out around Christmas and January.
Come Sunday afternoon I was on the train down to London for the early Monday am press for The Lovely Bones. I have to say I wasn't that impressed with the Euston accomodation I got, but it was central enough to get to the screening for 9:00am and then head to Claridges for the press conference. Peter Jackson was in good form and the room was packed out and so all went well. Had to race to get the train back and was back to Leeds by about 6:00pm after writing as much as I could on the train.
The rest of the week has been general hurry-up-and-wait style writing. I'm trying to pull ahead a little on the work so that I have it easier over Christmas and New Year. Got a few small presents sorted and got the bag ready for packing. Jilly seems busier and more tired than I am, but hoping we get some quality time together over the holidays where we can put the chores, works and deadlines aside for a little while. We'll see how that works out.
Friendly reminder to all that the T-shirt store is up and running at www.cafepress.com/theregoestheday and anyone wanting the ideal Christmas present should hurry up and order soon. They are good at the delivery side, but as we head into December, it always pays to sort the post earlier rather than later.