S o, the parentals are off in Vegas, playing at being bankers (spending my inheritance). That means I'm house-sitting by default once again. I worked out recently that between now and the middle of March, we'll probably be like ships in the night with me or them out of the country at any given point. However, on this occasion, I think they've certainly got the best of the weather. 70-80 in Nevada and distinctly colder and wetter here. It's been dreary all week and more typical November weather after the a-typical warmer weather of a week ago. At this rate, we'll have snow before December. Or at least horribly grey and damp ('British').

Tonight there's a lot of fireworks going off locally as well, it appears a lot of people waited until Saturday, in the hope of better weather (ha!) to throw their parties. Someone just up the road is really putting a lot into it and giving Roundhay a run for their money.
Sadly, I'm having laptop problems again. Yeah, I know... whodathunkit? For some reason the bloody thing keeps freezing and requiring me to shut it down and start it up again. It's happened about seven times today already, at different times - this post is rushed out between them. I've beem meaning to put the laptop in for repair for a while as the DVD drive and webcam mic are on the blink, but I guess this means I need to arrange it next week so there's a cat in heck's chance of me getting back before Iowa. Fortunately all my design and writing is on the external hard disk, so I can just unplug that and not lose anything.
I can use the parental laptop or desktop in an emergency, but could do without it. So I can only hope that PC World fix it all quickly... or lose it/destroy it again and have to give me a new one. Such is life.
Great photos, John! The street view is fab!
I had a really good time on Bonfire Night, many thanks again for your company!