Yes, proving that I'm at heart an artist, I just had the full ThereGoesTheDay pages sorted and realised they didn't project the right information and look for what was needed. Hence a major overhaul.

With more possible traffic coming to the site from publicity connected with the launch of Millarworld's new look and credits on the CUT DVD, it was important that the site had a more functional look and over the next few days, all the pevious pages will be changed to reflect the new format - it may take a bit longer for all the links to work properly, but fingers crossed.

More to follow...

4 Responses so far.

  1. stevemosby says:

    If you're going to change, then I think you should bite the bullet at this point and shift to something like Wordpress. It's a piece of piss - as much or as little hand-coding as you want (millions of existing skins you can either tweak slightly or overhaul completely) - and it's like drawing with a pen in comparison to blogspot, which is like drawing with lego bricks. An hour familiarising yourself, you'll find it a revelation. Far better suited to what you're doing here.

  2. I'll probably look into it in the near future. For the moment, with all this new-look being done, bar the tweaks, I may let this sit for a while 'as is' and then take my time to get the next version right with all the bells and whistles. I'll hopefully have some more traffic through the site now and some big deadlines to hit, so I don't want a constant 'under construction' vibe.

    Know any really good WordPress templates?

  3. stevemosby says:

    No, that's true. I don't know what tweaks you've got under your hat, but all the Title, Title, Parent Title stuff certainly does give off an under construction vibe at the moment. Best to not go wild if you've got increased traffic on the way, but I think you should go radically simple - two, three pages, so people can browse, find, leave - rather than lots of options that don't go anywhere.

    With all these links, it looks like you've bought a mansion you can't fill rather than a small, neat house fit for what you actually need. Kill the clutter. For what it's worth, I think all you really need is a two column front page with the blog on the left (no extra link to get to it, because why?). Extra content linked to on the right: top section, your stuff - CV, store, photos, publications, whatever; below that, relevant external links. Make it as simple as humanly possible. Enable RSS feeds, if you can, because that's how many people receive blog updates. I know I do: my browser tells me when my favourite blogs update, but yours doesn't work with that.

    Wordpress themes. There are so many, it's impossible. Check here: Or google "free wordpress themes". There are millions.

  4. Yeah, I've cut down the number of pages already. Intro page - as people will come to the site for different reaosns, personal and professional - and then links to areas of design, journalism, books - with a blog and possible photography section to follow. That'll be about it.

    But like all writers, artists and creative types, I'm never completely satisfied and will continue to fiddle while Robbie Burns...

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