I wanted to lighten the regular postings up a bit, but watching the news about Pastor Terry Jones, a Florida man who will, with his congregation, be conducting a public Qu'ran burning is one of tose things begging for comment. Jones says he's sick and tired of the Bible being disrespected and wants to show those pesky muslims that he can dish it out too. He's been told by Hillary Clinton, the Pope and other religious leaders of the disrespect he's showing to an entire faith and General Petraeus has said that the act is bound to be seized upon and used as anti-American propganda. The Pastor had decided that despite all that he's going to goddam go ahead anyway because what are a few more soldier deaths when Christinaity's good name is beign beshmirshed? It's enough to make a deity proud, no?
It is truly sad that Americans may find themselves branded as a whole collective evil entity and enemy of a whole culture because of the way that the coverage of one needlessly provocative act - by the smallest minority members of a faith - is mercilessly propagandised and used to push a certain militant mindest back in the likes of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Because that would never happen the other way around, would it?
For me book-burners (of any faith or following) rank somewhere between Paris Hilton, kiddie-fiddlers, Hitler and people who talk at the theatre. Hell, I wouldn't even burn Tony Blair's magnum pompous.
So, I'll just leave you with the words in the image above, from a writer so wise that you may want to do something special to him.
Next time, lighter posts. I promise.
This is a further exemple that every time religions win man dies, this is true in Occident as well as in Islam and anywere in the Universe.