My social life has been sadly lacking recently - largely due to the workload between HLWW, Impact, Verbatim and the fact that as I get slightly older I seem to have less but infinitely better friends but who don't live on my doorstep (which would admittedly not be comfortable for them).

However this week was a Mozapalooza. On Friday met up with a friend in Leeds who was travelling through the area for a job interview. I promised drinks and merriment (a reckless promise this being Leeds) and managed to just about deliver. The rain held off, the food was tasty (Iguana, by the Corn Exchange gets the Moz recommendation of *****) and the company good. But apart from the Cinema Days events and the ocassional sojourn to London, this mind and body is a little out of practise for the whole hitting the city thang and the apparent ten year olds that wander around seemingly hitting the city back just sometimes make me feel old.

Saturday came and went and the evening saw me heading across to the other side of Leeds to watch TV pilots, eat pizza and drink beer with the Millarworld Mob. EastEnders' Michelle Ryan IS the Bionic Woman! Angelina's ex Jonny Lee Miller IS an hallucinating lawyer. Wii consoles ARE addictive! No bigger joy than watching good tv, trashing bad tv and finally making up your own subtitles for an eastern film involving scarf-weilding ninjas, cackling villains and and bad guys that can only apparently be stopped by pre-menstrual blood. Hollywood has SO much to learn. Big thanks to Steve for the invite and to Carlos, James and Sanjay for the company.

Right now I ache, feel about 50, my sleep-cycle's dangerously off-kilter and I'm behind on my deadlines. Must be a Tuesday.

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