So. Off I go. Technically this is the first day of my excellent ADVENTure ( see what I did there?) and things have gotten off to an okay if not quite exact start. I was supposed to be staying at the Yotel at Heathrow Airport (in one of those pods/cabins that everyone is talking about) but now it appears that everyone is talking about them not opening on time, so I'll be shuttled off by shuttle to a nearby hotel at Yotel's expense. Bad PR, but good response, I guess.

Now on the train down to London, GNER has been replaced as the train provider by National Express and they've got my vote by now providing free wi-fi throughout the train. Only strange thing was that when I came to my website, all the navigation instructions appeared in Swedish. No ikea/idea why. All good now. Which is nice.

Tomorrow I'm up early to chreck-in at T2 (the terminal, not the Arnold movie), though technically I've already done so online. Pays not to take chances with computers, I've found.It's going to be good to be away where there's a chance of snow this Christmas. Now if I can just survive without any slight or significant injury this time, it'll be progress.

3 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    The GNER wifi service is provided by a Swedish company and you're allocated a Swedish IP address when you use their wifi. This means that sites that try to be clever and guess your location will show the wrong language.

    I personally hate that, both Firefox and IE sends the preferred language preference to the server, they should be using that rather than guessing location.

  2. Anonymous says:

    you look so enthralled in that photo

  3. jfc - National Express: I knew there'd be a simple explanation. In fact, I count on those kind of explanations.

    Brittney - you mistake 'enthralled' for 'half-asleep!'


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