Well, it's Christmas Day and, miracle on 23 East Road, it's snowing. For any of my friends back in the UK, that refers to the white stuff that falls from the sky that isn't rain, but so rarely on any important December days.

It's a thin layer to be sure (so far), just enough give a light covering on what was awaiting me when I arrived. Still, it's the first time in umpteen years I've had a white christmas, so despite everything it'll more than suffice.

It's nice to know that whatever shitty things happens in life, there are other things which still seem kinda cool... rather than merely below freezing.

* No giddy nostalgia was hurt in the making of this blog post.

One Response so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    your photo's always amaze me. I am glad you got a white Christmas. it was 45deg F here and sunny. gesh, you are so lucky. Glad you are enjoying your travels.

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