Thursday 25th EVENING - No, one big event in the ballroom in a week wasn’t good enough for this reprobate bunch of journos, lawyers and actors, so Thursday evening was the ‘masked ball’. Firstly there was some filming of extra footage (probably forthcoming on the Director’s Cut DVD) and - with the main door finally being opened - a chance to greet guests in style (just mind the ping-pong table as you go through, please).
As festivities began much of the ensembled players sang to Ariel on the balcony. In what can only be described as a ‘D’oh!’ moment it would be MUCH later when I played back the video of said throng that I listened to the words, thought ‘Sounds like a Disney song, something about a character lacking feet….hmmm… that’s strange, oh must be The Little Mermaid, oh wait… Ariel… of course (slaps head)’ Everyone had donned masks and waited for Ariel to vote for best in show. My carefully planned ‘I’m behind the camera so no-one can see me…’ gambit failed miserably and apparently by utterly shameful begging on my knees didn’t win the day either. I’d have tried money but the Euro isn’t worth much at the moment).
Though I was on camera duties most of the time I did manage to put it down for some of the time. Enjoyed a dance with Holly, though I have two left feet when it comes to formal dancing (I’m more of a ‘free-style’ guy). Much fun was had on the dance-floor and afterwards with talking in front of the fire (not sure the climate warranted an open flame, but it looked picturesque. Curling up on the sofa and long talks late into the night as everyone one by one drifted off was nice. With Friday being the last full day, making every moment worth it was important. Who wants to head home after a week like this?
Outside the temperature was perfect and even though I was ready for bed, there was enough time to step outside and look back at the house from the grounds - its various windows illuminated under a relatively cloudless sky. Picturesque doesn't cover it. It was like the final shot of 'The Waltons', only not quite as dated or wholesome. Then again, what is? ;)