So endeth this LA part of my trip. Currently at LAX waiting for my flight and looking back with mixed feelings about recent weeks. Certainly a fair amount accomplished and a few lessons learned.
I think everyone was feeling weary and maybe something to do with the (relative) cold and wet hitting LA. Kerry had to be up early to picket at Burbank and Shaleah had to be up at 3:00am to help a friend get to the airport. I tossed and turned a bit with this damned cold I've not ben able to shake off and finally got up at around 9:30 after dropping in and out of sleep since the early hours (could work in my favour for sleep-patterns!). Arranged to meet back up with Shaleah and look for Dough-Boys off LaBrea (not as risque at that sounds) but it appeared that dining establishment had vanished off the face of the Earth, so we settled for a smalller, but nice place further up. Helped/hindered S with her Shakespeare and monologue prep and compared more notes about life and LA.The good, the bad and the fugly.
Part of me, the stupid, tired part, obviously, will be glad to get back to the UK eventually, but the flipside is that I hope to concentrate on resolving all the financial and general get-fitiness issues that urgently need attention. But one thing at a time...
And after sleep, obviously.
Of all the pics I suppose the one you chose was best. Thank you for your infinite wisdom on the subject. It was fabulous to see you sir- always is. And by the way- I almost fell out of my chair with the Gloverfield thing!! Holy crap thats amazing!! *kisses!
It's a good shot! The other pix taken of you will be forthcoming forthwith via e-mail. However, i sincerely doubt the ones with both of us in frame will *ever* see the light of day! :)