Iowa to Chicago flight got in 30minutes early, so it NEARLY off-sets the delay on the outward journey. But I had more than enough time to grab something to eat and drink here and confirm my Standby status. Currently at Chicago O'Hare with about an hour before ETD. I've heard all the horror stories about this place, but seem to have avoided any of the bad experiences (so far). Things are running relatively smoothly and all the staff have been helpful. IF all goes well, I'll be back in the UK around 7:00am Wednesday. It looks like I'll have a bulkhead seat on the AA flight, so that may give me a bit of leg-room and a chance to sleep.
Iowa was great (see my enthusiastic previous blog) and I'm already noting advance UK temperatures (60s at best and raining. Naturally). All pouty-lippy when I see Iowa will be in the late 80s again. Peh. Grumble. Whine. Etc.
Thursday will be back to the usual grey-coloured grind, but won't be impossible to get through if I get SOME work done on the plane. Maybe even a chapter of the novel.