There's a report in the paper today that the gap between Obama and McCain in the run-up to the US elections is narrowing and this may be down to the fact that Obama is...and you gotta love this... too THIN. Yes, apparently some political pundits are saying that because so many Americans are technically obese, they may be a bit miffed if asked to vote for someone who's in good shape.
Now, I'm all for critical analysis of Barack Obama, who I freely admit has ridden a wave of popularity largely based on his charisma and for 'not being George Bush' rather than because of any close scrutiny of his own ideas, but that being said...I guess it's August and silly season.
I mean...HEADLINE: Is Obama secretly a Muslim (after all members of his family were/are?)... well how does one secretly practise a religion if you're thinking of being the leader of the free world - do you sneak out to a mosque when no-one's looking, do you cross your fingers behind your back when you swear a religious oath? Do you secretly plot with the enemy to bring down the White House - because as we know, ALL muslims want that? HEADLINE: Is Obama's stance on compromise and negotiation a sign of weakness? (Of course it is, shouldn't he just bomb people who disagree with him in CASE they get violent! But really, as long as he doesn't bend over backwards simply to avoid causing the merest hint of even slight offense to anyone like most of the UK's government's ridiculous political correctness towards minorities currently does , then he's got no problem from me) HEADLINE: Does Obama's joke about not looking like other Presidents on dollar bills smack of racism? Well, given that race is the huge white/black/green elephant in the corner that no-one wants to admit is an issue when several million people still use the word 'n*gger' with no qualms... I think race is ALREADY an issue even thought it shouldn't be. (Seriously... in the 21st century we think pigments are related to character-issues?) And I think Obama's remark came as an answer to McCain's comparison of Obama to Britney Spears. Now, THAT's nasty.
I love America. I love Americans... but geez, I wish the US media and for that matter OUR OWN would learn not to speak in shorthand soundbites designed to reassure rather than debate. And I wish WE didn't let them. For heaven's sake...BE controversial, BE opinionated, but know WHY you think something (other than the Daily Mail or Fox News claimed it on a slow news day).
Whatever side you support I just wish the debate had some actual weight, rather than calorie counting!
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