Let's get the necessary rat-bastardiness out of the way by laughing heartily and crying softly at the PC World complaints liasion who told me that if I didn't like the fact I'd have to wait for a written response to my attempts to halt my ongoing problems and complaints then I should... write a letter to them explaining my grievances. I swear I nearly reached down the phone and hit him with a blunt object of which I'm sure there were many lying about. Equally while away this weekend at Collectormania I got a call from said Written Complaints Department to explain they were really sorry about hearing all the problems I'd had, but couldn't do much without receipts of my expenditures etc. Given I won't have the five hours of my calls on my phone bill until at least December (and maybe not if then if the shorter calls don't show up) nor my credit card bill for a month ,that would take a while. Also I've learned (albeit by asking the same question over and over again until it was admitted through clenched teeth) that it's COMPANY POLICY that I won't get a penny of compenstaion other than those specific, exact to the penny provable expenditures. So I won't get anything for being lied to, admittedly misled, messed around, losing work time because of false promises, used petrol etc for the last few weeks. In short, they slap the wrists of the people that do it, but don't compensate the victim. As I said, rat-bastards. I'll be mailing Managing Director Rat Bastard Snr. forthwith. If no joy, BBC's Watchdog may get a call. Messeth with the Moz, ye not.
In better news, I spent a few hours talking with and interviewing Mark Sheppard (of Firefly, Leverage, Battlestar Galactica, Bionic Woman, 24 etc fame and pictured above) after Kerry helped set it up (she's working on Leverage with him at the mo). Very nice guy who could talk a hind leg off a donkey and then sell it back to the donkey and make a profit. Plus he has a really nice new, cutting-edge I-Phone. I think I have device envy. Also caught up with his BSG co-star Jamie Bamber to finish an interview I started last week. So all in all, that was a worthwhile trip.
I have to type up all of that before Cinema Days at the end of this week, so won't be getting much rest. It's not all as exciting as it sounds and I'll be judging not-that-profitable deadlines for a while yet.
All job offers entertained and chocolate accepted.