A couple of the bulletin boards I'm on have been talking about the new TV season's offerings and some of the attention has been on the returning Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. For me it's one of the most annoying programmes, only because I WANT to like it: it has a great premise, some decent performances, a truck-load of mythology to draw from and yet... and yet, if feels so damned lazy.
I appreciate I'm not a TV writer - sure, I think I've got one in me somewhere, but with the Impact duties, freelance duties, HLWW duties, designing stuff and other tasks, they keep me distracted - but T:TSCC feels like the characters are merely being mechanically moved around to get to a designated plot-point (oh, the irony). For me, GREAT television drama - and even some merely good stuff - works much better when it's the other way around; when the plot is or seems to be realistically driven by a character's believable actions and reactions. Bascially, less 'This would be a really cool scene...' and more of 'This is a really cool character, what if he...' etc.
Two episodes into the new T:TSCC season, I'm banging my head gainst the monitor and losing track of the plot-points that distract me, rather than draw me in. Some, admittedly, are a tad geeky and probably based around pragmatic production choices (How come Cameron gets all blowed up and yet comes out looking relatively unscathed etc) but others... meh. Is John SO stupid he would risk the lives of himself, his family and the whole world to take a leap of faith that his reset (actually polishing a memory-stick several times) of Cameron would work, but not take any precautions in case he hadn't? After a week of near-death escapades, would he bring back a girl to his unseen new super secwet home and NOT be bothered when she starts going on about the future and builds him a robot? Would Sarah let said really-annoying-character spend the night (and would John behave THAT gentlemanly?) And... tell me, is it really THAT easy to get into a nuclear power station's even more super secwet control areas with a self-made plastic badge and no background check? Has a guy from the future (yet another one?) who dies in your arms unable to inpart a key-to-the-future message, a severe 'lack-of-priorities' problem when he's revealed to have spent a great deal of time in your basement writing a thesis on the wall in his own blood instead of TELLING you things?). And don't even get me started on 'The Urinator' scene in the premiere. As a guy, that's just a very unsettling visual - and complete Garbage.
Instead of broadening its canvas, T:TSCC needs to tighten it's remit, concentrate on the clever scenes (Cameron writing in bar-code - brilliant), the possibly poignant (Sarah's cancer) and the meaningful (make John less pouty and 'Befuddle-me Emo' and get more with the program, literally) and less on the super conspiracy angle which seems to be at the whim of a diverging timeline and umpteen chronologically-challenged resistance fighters, anyway.
Less deux ex machina, more plot-mechancics, please. Otherwise, I'll be driven to only watch Bones (as long as they PROMISE to never do a London episode again) and House (because watching that and Blackadder back-to-back just proves Laurie is an acting tour-de-force).
Terminator... convince me, if you want to live.