Tad, Jill's brother drove us to the airport this morning and after a brief detour for errands and a slight hiccup finding the right airport entrance, everything worked well. Nearly left my itinerary on the counter, but then again the lady behind the desk also forgot to give me my travel ticket, so we came out about equal. My luggage is checked through to Heathrow. Supposedly. We live in Hope - a small town just outside Desperation.
I'm currently at MSP airport. The flight from Sioux Falls to Minn., went well with a good seat and a speedy trip - I don't think we were actually in the air more than about 35mins. MSP (Minneapolis St Pauls - the Twin Cities Airport) is pretty vast but I made my way from one main concourse to another without problem and after speaking briefly to the parentals via Skype Video Messaging - ooooh, this new tech is *shiny!* - I'm about to go get some food. Judged my finances pretty well and should be fine for the whole return trip.
Don't think my seat on the Trans-Atlantic leg ( NW 104 for those with access to any of the online FlightTRacker tech) will be so good, but as long as my laptop works (so far, so good) and I'm not sitting next to squealing, dribbling babies (or for that matter squealing, dribbling adults) then it should be good.
Will update as and when on trip back, but hope to have my stylish self in Leeds by about 1:30pm latest Thursday...