Jill's demanding work schedule means I haven't seen as much of her as planned - which has been just as annoying for her as for me - and beyond getting Impact off to the printers next week, there are no tough deadlines that I'm rushing home for. But the last two and a half weeks have flown by and provided a much-needed change of pace. I said last time I was here that I could see myself being here a lot more and nothing's changed. If and when I step off the conveyor-belt that journalism is rapidly becoming, this could certainly be a welcoming place - even at these temperatures! (I was looking at the July photos I took and it looks impossibly warmer). And I sometimes complain I don't see enough news over here, but with financial slumps and things apparently heating up in the Middle East, perhaps ignorance is bliss. I'm sure I'll be mainlining Sky, BBC etc on my return. And then get rapidly bored of it. Ah, Fox News...
As usual, I've posted some clothing back in a box. This may all balance out cost-wise, as long as they aren't lost in transit, but it does ensure I'm not over-stuffing the case. The presents I brought with me have somewhat been replaced by presents received here, so the weight won't have decreased.
So....barring last minute snow (it could happen, but wunderground says unlikely), this will be my final report (for now) from frontline Iowa.
Better images may be forth-or-fifthcoming, but here, then, for the faithful, is me in THE COAT (tm) ;)

Great photo!