The press conference was an unmitigated mess. For some reason it appears SKY had turned the event into a programme for their movie channel and therefore we had a 'not-as-hip-as-he-thinks-he-is' host who fluffed the sound-schecks and started with a rather unprofessional 'Here's J J Abrams with... some of the cast...'. Equally we were told that Sky viewers had sent in questions and so it would be split 50/50 between our questions and theirs. Silly me, I thought this was a PRESS conference. After a false start, we began again with questions and answers being repeated word for word and the table we put our tape recorders on had a speaker that didn't work. It wasn't Paramount's fault per se, (PRs Debbie, Jenny and Sarah usually do us proud) but I get the feeling that after the press had gone (and our mobile phones were returned to us) J J probably unleashed some vulcanic nerve-pinches for the embarassment caused.
After having a drink with Paul Simpson, Johnny and Molly and managing to get a splinter down the nail of my finger (annoying rather than excrutiating), I picked up my bags and made my way to Yotel at Heathrow's Terminal 4 with relative ease and grabbed some dinner. Typed up as much as I could of the press conference, watched Ashes to Ashes (meh) then grabbed about 4-5hrs sleep before waking up around 4:00am and deciding to finish the article.
Now in Terminal 1, having checked in for the United flight pretty easily. The flight is ontime for a 10:35 departure and I hopefully have a bulkhead seat, so will be able to stretch out just a little bit.
I have my ritual Michael Connelly novel to read on the flight (an advance copy of his latest: The Scarecrow) and so all is good. However hoping the next 11 or so hours pass quickly and the real fun begins...