Okay, time to play catch up after a week too busy for blogging. So, I arrived in LA on 21st after a relatively speedy and trouble-free flight. I decided to take the optional and very good-value upgrade to Premium Economy and so got some space to stretch. No-one else was on my row, so I also managed to lay down and get some sleep. Arrived safely and was through customs and to the Westin less than an hour after landing. Met up with Carmel and the gang thereafter and started the prep for the con.

It had been 100 degrees the day before but it was a more managebale 80 when I got there and continued to srop to about 60 during the week - then again, we were inside most of the time. On Wednesday Valoise Armstrong offered to take me along to share a private tour of the LA Times, courtesy of one of the senior editorial staff. Fascinating trip and a ton of history! (And only days after reading the Michael Connelly novel which has a large section of the story set in there). Thursday evening I headed over to catch up with Kerry, locate the Leverage offices. Kerry had tickets to the Palin Festival's Fringe showing/panel which was fun. (Two lots of J J Abrams viewings in a week). We swung by Kerry's palce on the way back and I reminded Wesley and Willow who I was!The con got underway on Friday after lunch. I still felt a little jet-lagged, but Carmel had kindly arranged for me to have my own room, so I'd managed to get enough sleep. As well as Gillian and Donna, it was good to catch up with Brandon Jerwa (Highlander comic writer), Adrian, Valentine, James Horan and, David Abramowitz, of course. The first panels went well with only minor blips and we even *almost* ran to time.

The huge line-up meant early starts, so I was up each day before 7:00am for around an 8:30 start. Grabbed food when I could and frequently had to run with the microphone, so all in all the HLWW workout worked well :) The
Eyeborgs screening on Friday night went really well and I finally met Michelle, the film's publicist after a ton of e-mails! Saturday night was the cabaret and the guests excelled themselves. Kerry took part in Donna's 'HL scene' compelte with the legendary dolls. MUCH hilarity ensued. All the cast and crew were on fine form over the next two days. I did the best I could to keep things running smoothly and the general consenses seems to be a did a decent job of it. Richard Ridings was his usual fun self and with his daughter accompanying him, he was also the proud dad (and has every right to be, his daughter's got a great singing voice).The con finished Sunday. We decided to scrap my planned quiz as the auction ran over, but that was fine as I hadn't managed to formulate all the qiestions in the time I had anyway. A few hours later we all collapsed into the bar and I finally managed to stay up a bit and grab SOME alcohol after a 'dry' weekend. All in all it was a huge success and people (guests and con-goers) eem to be singing our praises.
Currently I'm at Kerry's and will be until Fri am when I leave on an early flight to Iowa. Grabbed a drink with fellow journo Abbie Bernstein and then later with Elizabeth Neff who's in town doing PR for Deborah Gibson this week and it was good to catch up with them both. Now I'm balancing writing more for Impact, taking photos and grabbing some RnR and repacking for the onward journey.
In the meantime, I got some photography time in and nice shots of the birds outside Kerry's house...
Great write-up, John, and great photos! It sounds like you've had a good week so far! :) Enjoy the rest of your time relaxing in LA and, of course, please pass on my love to Iowa!
Great job MC Moz...the write up and the MC gig.