Should get into London around 5:20 and will be at the Travelodge around 6:00. Will take it relatively easy tonight and just get some Impact writing done. Up bright and breezy in the am to do the early Trek screening and join in the fun of the press conference in the pm. The lovely ladies at Paramount are letting me store my luggage at Golden Square, so I won't have to haul it all over London tomorrow during the day.
Reasonably sure I haven't forgotten anything too drastic (except the Jaffa Cakes on the counter, dammit). I have my passport, ticket, ESTA, wallet, schedule/reservations info and a ton of Verbatim/Cutting Edge/Verbatim stuff with me. Hoping to have reduced the considerable weight by about half when I travel onwards from LA in about 11 days time.
A lovely sunny day to be travelling on... in fact, if it's like this in LA when I eventually get there, there'll be no complaints (though, yes, a few degrees warmer so I can grab a dip in the pool would be, like, TOTALLY awesome!).
More later...
I clung to my English accent like a parachute with a loose harness! Listen at you! ;)
So, like, oh my god, like, totally! Bloody valley girls, they get everywhere! :)
Safe trip! Live long and prospect!
Are you bringing Jaffa Cakes for everyone, then?
Simon: Awesome! And hey, Valley Girls rock!
Gillian: I wish. Just paid twice the going rate for a single packet of Jaffa Cakes in London. That's the state of my addiction. But will come bearing small but perfectly formed prezzies :)