Quick update: The headaches have lessened quite a bit, but I'm still having major problems with balance and walking and the whole legs 'not really working the way they're supposed to' thing. The mind is firing on all cylinders, but the body feels like it's taken a beating. Which I guess is exactly what's happened.

It seems that it's most likley that the convulsions last weekend threw something out in my back or trapped a nerve. Didn't notice it at first as the head hurts were the most pressing pressure, but this whole agony thing isn't half what it's cracked up to be.

Takes all the fun out of resting.

7 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Well, what is the point of suffering pain if they won't give you any really good drugs to make you smile?

    Seriously, John, I can't tell you how happy I am to see you posting. Your brains may not be working quite as they ought to be, but they're clearly working much better than we feared when we first heard you were laid low.

    Any possibility that you cracked your head without recalling it? I fell off a horse and was knocked out cold; the next day I couldn't for the life of me imagine why my head hurt so very much. The day after that I could recall the accident, but my head still hurt and I'd forgotten the amnesia!

    Brains are odd things. I'd say yours is odder than most, but you're not feeling well, so I'll forebear. ;) Get well soon. We miss you on the HLbb.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Oh, and BTW, there are two pages of get well wishes for you:
    I'm not sure why they're not on the Gathering, but Carmel posted your news on Fandom, and there you stayed. Rest up, sweetie.

  3. ~mj~ says:

    Thanks for posting the link to here Cool!

    I am glad to see you are feeling well enough to post John. Continued best wishes for your complete recovery. We miss you over at HLBB. Take care and get well soon!


  4. karen says:

    Bloody 'ell! First you were shot at for no good reason and now this!! Take it easy, slowly slowly one wobbly step at a time and you'll get good and well. Love Karen xxxxxxxx

  5. Anonymous says:

    um - can we say C H I R O P R A C T O R??

  6. Yup, we can say 'chiropractor' but probably not for another week or so as I've been advised to keep physically relaxed and in bed for a while longer. Hope to be much better by the end of the month, though I've also been told it could be into the new year before I feel on top form.

    Currently have my fingers crossed that all carefully sorted Christmas plans will still be okay.

  7. Anonymous says:

    (laughing!!) John Mosby, that avatar is just awful! You MUST be recovering if you were able to sit up and create something like THAT.

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