After a long time resisting, I actually have a Facebook account (blame David Fury) and though I've got quite a few old, new and very interesting friends on my list there and have rediscovered a fair amount of people I'd lost contact with, I also get a lot of the well-intentioned but rather more useless 'application' invites which ask you to ultimately sign up to a lot more you aren't interested in. Truthfully, I can indulge in cyber-snowball fights and virtual hugging and return such with vigour and... hey, I'm willing to hang my Christmas stocking in certain profiles with a mighty Ho Ho Ho...but application-wise I have no use for ''lil green patches' or 'If you you were a rare fresh-water pebble, what colour would you be?' I'll leave that for the inevitable and over-priced psychiatric sessions I'll have somewhere down the line.
However, I will occasionally do quizzes that I think I stand some chance of doing okay with and today I even crumbled and did a 'Which 80s movie defines you?' questionnaire which I noticed some sane friends had also indulged in. How bad could it be? I suspected the application to end up comparing me to some obscure John Hughes movie and not even a good one like The Breakfast Club. The result?
The Princess Bride.
Okay, I'm impressed. I'm not sure why questions about whether I'd ever been in a fight or ever taken drugs led to this selection, but it IS, almosy undeniably, one of my favourite films of all time and I could watch it again and again. And have. If you have never seen it, this is one that you NEED to see. The alternative is... inconceivable. It's got true love, truly impressive sword-fights, pirates, giants, princesses and a wit sharper than a blade. But it's no ho-hum fairytale for kids. The guy officiating the last wedding I went to used a direct quote from the film to kick off the service! You have to love it. It's the law.
Now, this doesn't mean that I'm giving Facebook quizzes and applications a free pass (The 80s movie quiz now wants to tell me who my 'Hollywood twin' is and who I... was in a past life - neither of which I care to find out) but it does mean that the Internet does know me better than some people I know in real life. Which is in equal amounts both scary and reassuring... especially as it also knows my credit-card info.
I think I'd be a blue pebble.
Ok, so thanks for inviting me to take part in a quiz I would otherwise have ignored! And I got....The Breakfast Club. Now I'm sulking as I wanted the PB too, didn't really like The Breakfast Club much...Maybe it's cos I answered 'yes' to the drugs question. Sulking now....and have deleted the result from my page, maybe I'll try again and lie.