Well, peh. Today was going to be my first proper day out doing stuff after November's brainfart and I was all set to go to London to do some press stuff with Samuel L Jackson and Frank Miller for The Spirit movie. You know... typical Thursday etc etc.
I would normally knaw off my left arm (not the right, I need it to write), mortgage my sister (if I had one) or eat brussel sprouts (if I really had to) to do more press with the mighty SLJ... however in this case, it wouldn't help. Considerable amount of white stuff has fallen from the sky and that has meant that the roads are nose-to-tail, slow-moving traffic... so despite the trains running reasonably to time (allegedly - later reports disagree) and having left a not unreasonable amount of time to get to the station (well, you'd think)... there was still no way I could even get a hundred yards from my house except on foot. And Leeds Station is over five miles away. As so eloquently said previously: Peh.
Had another argument with PC World who said they would be more than happy to reinstate my laptop insurance as long as I paid last month's despite the fact that they accidentlaly cancelled it themselves. I pointed out that I wasn't prepared to pay retroactively for insurance given the fact I hadn't stopped it and neither had my bank and if anything HAD gone wrong in that time they probably wouldn't have accepted a claim. I was subsequently treated like an idiot by the tele-sales person who claimed I should check my bank balance every single day like he did to stop such problems. Eventually got to speak to his more intelligent and reasonable manager and all sorted to my satisfaction within a few minutes. Still, all being said... never buy a computer from these guys, it's just not worth the hassle.
I'm turning into a miserable sod, aren't I? I promise more upcoming blogs will be sunny, cheerful, positively bird-charmingly in their Snow Whiteiness.