I t was all going so well. Well, no, it wasn't, but it was reasonably okay for a last-minute, designed by the seat-of-its-pants flight schedule.
In something of a surreal state, I got to Leeds/Bradford Airport in plenty of time and even managed to check-in online to avoid the crowds. The plane took off around on-time and got to Amsterdamn with little fuss. The first scene that meets me after arriving in the airport is a big screen of all arrivals and departures - every flight running to time.... except one. Yup. *sigh*

Boarding for the flight from Amsterdamn to Minneapolis was going to be running around 90 minutes late, which the universe having a sense of humo(u)r was exactly the time I would have had to go through Customs and re-check my bags. I knew I had a reasonable seat booked (a bulkhead), but didn't anticpate sharing the row with two big Indian ladies, each with limited English skills and ankle-biter offspring and, it has to be said, little regard for personal space. They asked if I'd move to another seat so their mother could join the party, but I politely refused as I
really needed to grab some extra leg-room and a bit of shut-eye. However after much
accidental elbowing of me (a Mosby was never meant to be a sandwich) and the delights of seeing one of the kids scream and play with his food in a way I haven't seen since Richard Dreyfuss built a mountain in
Close Encounters, I decided to swap with the mother several rows back (after all, she had an aisle row seat anyway). Or she HAD had an aisle row seat... I found out after I agreed to swap that she'd already changed to a middle-of-row seat, so for the rest of the flight I was still sandwiched between people - though thankfully not with the
screaming, food-throwing brats, lovely kiddie-winks.
Currently in Minneapolis airport, having missed the connecting flight and so waiting for the next one in about two hours. Tad will hopefully still be picking me up from Sioux Falls and so should be with Jill in around three-four hours depending...
NEARLY there...