W hen I was really young, we went on holiday to the East Coast (Reighton Gap, Filey and the like) and I'd always wake up early and on most days I would take my dad's hand and (leaving the car wherever it was parked) we'd walk through the quiet sun-rising morning to get a newspaper and if I was really lucky one of the comic summer specials (Monster Fun, Whizzer and Chips, anyone?) which I'd read and reread again and again later. Wherever we were, it would be long before the hustle and bustle of the day and the crowds of other inevitable fellow holiday-makers and it was as if the world was breathing in, just for a while. There'd be tons to do later, but right at that moment, my comic and my dad were the world and the only reason to rush would be to have the breakfast that my mum was rustling up back at the ranch bungalow/flat/etc. I can almost taste it now.
Yesterday was one of those rare days when a) Britain was hot, cloudless and balmy and b) I was up early enough for the world to be on the starting blocks rather than racing headlong into oblivion. Leaving the house and not yet onto the noisy New Road Side, I suddenly flashed back to those calmer, early days. Lots of water under the sandcastles since then. But whether it was the less-than-typical weather or the hour, I couldn't help smiling at the memory. I'm sure I worried a few people doing that. (Good, it'll keep 'em on their toes ;))

Today's been cooler and the weather will be positively bracing by the end of the week. Holidays are now taken further afield. I no longer hold my dad's hand when he gets the paper (it's one thing to keep people on their toes, but let's not get silly...) and I think Monster Fun went out of circulation around three decades ago. Come to think of it, so did most summer specials entirely.
Sarah Connor told her son John that the future is what you make it. But as long as it doesn't involve robotic assassins, I'd like to think the past is too.