...Steve's latest novel. Why... because his fifth book, STILL BLEEDING has just arrived on the UK shelves and follows four other novels that have all been critically-acclaimed by the mainstream press. Also because my own novel is 1/4 done and if Steve's latest does well it will encourage me to finally return to that unfinished manuscript of my own before he gets TOO far ahead. Then again, buy it anyway!

...the latest IMPACT. Out later this coming week it looks at the latest blockbuster to be hitting screens, Transformers and critiques director Michael Bay's efforts. Also included a tribute to David Carradine, interviews with eastern stars Simon Lam and Anthony Wong, an overview of Burn Notice and regular Eastern/Western/DVD/Comic/Games action coverage. Click
here to go to the official site (updated next week)

...the latest VERBATIM which looks at the biggest genre hits of the last year. From Watchmen to Iron Man to Battlestar Galactica and Leverage. As mentioned previously, support your local genre fanzine (clicky the link at the top of the web-page for more info).
... and, of course, the UK newspapers. Have you heard what all those bloody politicians are up to NOW???