O kay. For the last few days, while dancing between deadlines and duties, I've also been getting more of the whole ThereGoesTheDay pages sorted. If you're reading this on the blog page itself (and that's the best way!) then you'll note the links at the top are mostly sorted and the pages more aligned. It's all coming together nicely... now to get to the Photography pages!)

However here we are with over fifty pages on a DVD disc - pages viewable on screen or ideal for printing out at 300dpi - looking at the last six months of genre entertainment. There's conversations with George A Romero about his feelings on modern horror outings, the cast and crew discuss the creation of the controversial WATCHMEN movie (plus, there's an extensive interview with Alan Moore on his distate for Hollywood and why HE wouldnt be seeing it); Jamie Bamber and Mark Sheppard discuss the success of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA and their latest projects; there's a look behind the sceens of TNT's hit show Leverage (and talks with Dean Devlin and Gina Bellman); Jon Favreau talks about the success of IRON MAN and Peter Wingfield discusses his roles in 24, SANCTUARY and the upcoming WAR OF THE WORLDS and 10,000 DAYS.
All that can be yours for a measley £10.00 which includes postage and packing. Equally, a lot of the older issues are now on CD-disc too. Issues 3-4,5-6 and 7-8 are all available on two-disc sets and are also £10.00 per each set! Tons of good stuff in there and twice as good value... Simply follow the Verbatim link at the top of the page, or go here and click on the respective 'Cart' buttons' for the PayPal option (contact me for anything else). Thank you, kindly! :)
I should also note that the latest issue of the UK's top-selling Empire Magazine has an extensive overview of the HIGHLANDER franchise - seven pages, written in a very well-researched and fair manner by Owen Williams. As well as the stars etc, Owen got some quotes from me and I'm referenced as HLWW's 'PR Guru'. Which makes me very, very good, or merely Max Clifford with less pocket-money. You decide.
I now return to you to your commercial-free blogging... :)