I t's been a busy few days. I spent Friday to Sunday covering the London Film & Comic Con. Given recent trips and outgoings it was a bit expsnsive for me, but I intended to get some good interviews which will ultimately be in Impact and perhaps other magazines in the near future and months to come.
Got down into London and across to the Radisson Edwardian by around 7:00pm. The first thing I noticed was the little cameras on sticks at reception. They looked like the kind you see as you pass through US Customs at airports. I was assured by the check-in staff that they were only there to photograph regular/important guests to aid the hotel staff in catering for them. Personally, I have a very strong feeling that's complete and utter bullshit and it's yet another 'security' issue. Part of me wonders what information is kept, who it's passed to and I am seriously seeing if I can find out answers to that. Yes, bit of a militant, me when we get down to all this Big Brother tech stuff and lack of clarity/honesty across the board.
In the end I got time with the likes of Danny Trejo, Michael Ironside, Chris Sarandon, Michael Keating (Blake's Seven) and comic guys Phil Jiminez and Arthur Suydam. Scott Bakula was there too and seemed in good spirits. Personally, I've no interest in Twilight, but the actors themselves proved popular with the crowds.
Had a few drinks out with the crew on Saturday night and another one back at the hotel, but still avoiding hangovers where possible. I also caught up with 'Evil' who is now married, off to live in the States and will hopefully supply me with general US visa info for the future.
Got a late-ish train back on Sunday through more 'weather' and then an early night. Tomorrow (Tuesday) I'm back down to London for GI Joe and stuff - wish I was getting 'frequent flyer' miles for the train - but managed to get some articles done tonight and so should be able to keep to the schedule pre-Iowa.
Oh - and I just watched and reviewed Dead Snow (Out on DVD next month) which is about zombie nazis attacking horny norwegian trainee doctors. C'mon, what else do you need to know?
The weather for the train trips in both directions was... interesting. We went through some fairly intense storms, only to keep emerging into much brightier, sunnier weather. Quite fun, when you don't have to go out in it all and watch it from a window as you speed by. (See photo taken from the train and remarkably clear!)
Annnnnnnyways... the actual event was fun. Met up with mucker Mark Ryan on Friday night and we also travelled into Earls Court for the LFCC in the morning. The event Green Room was as interesting mix as ever and some good/silly/serious conversations were to be had. Always interesting to see the mix of people, genuinely glad to meet their peers.