I seem to have answered those various surveys at various points in the past, so now they seem a good way to evaluate myself @ forty.
1) Do you consider yourself a cynic or a optimist?
I used to be very optimistic, nowadays I'm a bit jaded. But I still believe in hoping for the best as well as planning for the worst. You give someone or soemthing A chance to live up or down to your expectations. I'm less inclined for second chances nowadays.
2) How many real friends do you have?
Less than I had a few years ago. Whether that's my fault of other people's is open to debate. But I tend to think I now have better, balanced friendships. You have to be able to talk honestly and expect criticism and praise on a level playing field. In short, like any relationship, friendship needs effort and accountability from both sides. I'm very happy with the ones I have now.
3) Are you where you want to be professionally?
I'm doing what I love, I'm just not getting paid what I should be for doing it. Sometimes there's a lot of hard work involved for not much return. My rule of thumb is: 'credit where it's due...'
4) Are you where you want to be geographically?
I'm Leeds born and bred, but I think I'd rather be in Los Angeles or Sydney, Australia. I ahve more friends there than in Leeds! My visits to both those areas show more opportunities and a better way of life. England seems tired and frustrated. I just need a way 'in' as emigration isn't as easy as it once was.
5) Have you ever been in love?
Twice, I think, though it's one of those things you often only appreciate in hindsight. There are times when I wished I HAD been in love and times when I wish I HADN'T. But I've been very lucky with the people I've met, liked and respected over the years and I'm on good terms with most of them.
6) Last romantic thing you did?
I danced with someone at midnight in the middle of a forest with 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' playing in the background. Not a successful or happy realtionship in the longterm. but a very powerful moment in and of itself.
7) Are you happy?
If I'm being honest, no. Can't remember the last time I truly was. Content and hopeful on a good day - I guess there are worse fates. Not cynical enough to stop reaching for it, though.
8) What annoys you the most?
Lies: I hate people who deliberately mislead and the people who tell you what they think you WANT to hear or don't tell you what they should. I'd rather be/hurt because of the truth than a lie, though I expect people to be constructive not destructive just for the sake of it. I hate people who don't keep their word - if I commit to something, I don't do it lightly and I do everything in my power to keep my word. It's the very least a person can and should do.
9) What your recent resolutions are...
I've straightened out a lot of the financial issues that have tripped me up in the last couple of years and learned a few valuable lessons. Equally, I'm looking forward to being in a new place before the autumn/fall. I've done some more work on the novel - not enough, but determined to continue. I must also get a lot bit fitter. In some ways it feels like I've been treading water recently and I need to push off into the flow again.
10) Is there a God
If there is, she has a strange sense of humour, a full dose of irony and a flair for the dramatic. Wait, I think I know her. Is she a redhead?
11) What are your talents / best qualities?
I think I've proved myself in both writing, design, photography and general PR/marketing abilities. I'd like to think I'm known for being trust-worthy, being happy to 'muck-in' even when I don't have to, being reasonably quick in the humour department and I think I give a good massage.
12) Cats or Dogs?
I seem to get on well with just about every cat I've ever met. Dogs take more work.
13) Guilty pleasure?
Jaffa cakes.
14) It's better to give than to receive?
That totally depends on what's being received and who the recipient would be.
15) Currently on your TiVo, Sky+ or download list?
Regularly: BSG, Lost, House, Doctor Who, Bones, NCIS.
16) Where will we find you online?
17) Republican or Democrat?
I'm not American, though some of my best friends are. Bush's administration has done a great deal of damage. It's definitely time for a change and Obama seems the more convincing, but it's not about who's better, it's about whose campaign works best. The upcoming and almost draconian restrictions on travel to the US from the UK need to be addressed by whoever wins, or tourists will go elsewhere.
18) Chocolate or sex?
You say that like I have to choose.
19) When you win the lottery...?
Depends on how much. Look after my family. Travel a lot. Have a home in the US or Australia. Fund a convention. Definitely fly First Class :)
20) Best age to be?
God, I hope it's your Forties as I still FEEL young. My Twenties were only okay; my Thirties much better. You're only as old as the person you feel. Not felt many people lately.