I got back from Cairns on Thursday afternoon and took Friday to do some more wandering in Sydney. The weekend saw us off to Toukley, where Nancye Elliott and her husband have a second house which they've done up (they're working on a third). It was a prime chance to sort out some upcoming Highlander WorldWide stuff, so Aine joined us too for what amounts to an HLWW retreat. (But no surrender!). We got a lot of details sorted about the forthcoming Vancouver DVD releases, the sleeves of which I've been asked to design. Also, two words for the future: 'Game' and 'On'. More on that/those later.
The newest Elliott venture is a lake-front property and has quite stunning views out over Tuggerah Lake. We all headed up to Norah Head lighthouse while the tide was out, but still very active and returned in time to see the sun setting in spectacular fashion across the water. There were even ducks!
Sunday was Mothers' Day in Australia, so while the original plan was to drop me off en route back from Toukley, so that Carmel could go visit relatives, I actually ended up tagging along with Carmel to where she was meeting her brother and mother for tea. Then it was back to Zetland for an even bigger meet with four generations of the same family and a hearty meal with good wine and good company. Carmel's Clan are a wonderful lot, not matter what the vinatge. Please note: I even ate something green. It may have been a leaf.The weather here today is changeable, but bright. Won't be as hot as it has been, but still the equivalent of a British late-spring day at worst. Carmel's been excellent in helping sort my return journey and possible future travel. Current plan is to leave Sydney on Wednesday to avoid some of the hustle-and-bustle expected on the Thursday routes, but will know more of my exact movements by tomorrow. Half-packed anyway, so won't have to rush too much as and when.