So, then: 'tis better to give than receive? Ebay, under some warped logic about the balance in the universe is now banning sellers from responding to any negative feedback left by buyers. It says this will lead to a better marketplace and more confidence from buyers. Which
is nice. EXCEPT the last time I checked buyers AND sellers were needed to make a marketplace viable and while I do agree that sellers have responsibilities too, I've seen just as much bad-faith and time-wasting from buyers.
If a seller doesn't send money, places false bids or misrepresents their actions, I want them held just as accountable, which under this new system, it seems they aren't.
I mean, guys, c'mon, I'm all for streamlining a system and stopping hissy-fits, but using Ebay logic it suggests that we should abolish courtrooms simply because it irks the defendants and ties up judges' time.
That being said, hypocrite that I am, look to the far left for what I've currently got for sale...

If a seller doesn't send money, places false bids or misrepresents their actions, I want them held just as accountable, which under this new system, it seems they aren't.
I mean, guys, c'mon, I'm all for streamlining a system and stopping hissy-fits, but using Ebay logic it suggests that we should abolish courtrooms simply because it irks the defendants and ties up judges' time.
That being said, hypocrite that I am, look to the far left for what I've currently got for sale...