The last few days have been that curious (but not unpleasant) dilemma of working out what to do and when to do it. Kerry - who was here for just a few days a couple of months ago - crammed a lot of things into a short time. On the other hand, my trip will last about two and a half weeks and is largely in and around this area. So part of me feels guilty for taking a few days to not do a lot and the other half of me feels guilty for not taking time to relax when I do go off and cram a lot in. Either way, the last week has trotted by at a decent pace and, depsite those expenses annoyances, definitely less stressful than being back in the UK.
Saw Iron Man again and everyone I know is loving it. Stayed to see the Samuel L Jackson cameo after the credits - bizarre that they didn't show that bit to us at the press junket.
Took another stroll around Sydney's shops yesterday. It was Free Comic Day (Comic Day is innocent, I tell you!) so I found myself dropping in at Kings Comics in the heart of the city as well as a quick lookaround for some shorts (I noted I'd only brought one pair, so not finding any I wanted, I've bought some nice, but cheap jeans that I may just cut off at the knee as a back-up pair).
Carmel drove us down to Coogee Beach (about 15mins away) for some Chish and Fips (that's the name
of the cafe) and as the day faded into night I got some nice shots. I've also managed to get some nice ones of the sunset from just outside Carmel's apartment - how come we never get sunsets like this back home?

With Carmel's netwok fixed, I just managed to download Doctor Who (I can't miss my regular fix) and thought it was so-so.
The current plan is to fly up to Cairns tomorrow morning(Monday) and stay until Thursday. That means I can spend my full birthday up there and I hope to head off to Green Island for a day trip. (I'd planned Fitzroy island but it appears to be 'closed'). Either way, lots of photographic opportunities.
Won't be taking my laptop, but may have access at one of the plentiful Internet cafes.
Steps taken: not a bloody clue, but more than Leeds and better views.