Well, a week ago I was in the air. Or perhaps in Hong Kong airport sans credit card. Either way, time flies and I'm getting used to being back in the UK for a while. I'm assured I missed some of the hottest May days on record. I choose to believe that's a dirty rotten lie and everyone's just jealous of my bronzed adonis look. Maybe, not so much.
However there is the possibility of another imminent trip. IF budgets and schedules allow I may take a short trip to Iowa at the end of June to catch up with my longterm partner-in-crime Jill McDole. Jill was one o
f the first people I met through my work with Highlander and we go back over a decade. However, despite e-mails, threats, abuse, Field of Dreams taunts, flirtation and erswthwile blogging, it's been an age since we hung out together and I made a promise to rectify that this year by visting after she recuperates from some surgery. It'll be another shoestring sojourn, but I keep my promises and this is one I'm more than glad to.
In other news, the cat is out of the bag (call the RSPCA) about the remake of Highlander (call the WGA). I've known about this possibility for a while but until the ink was dry and some of the details sorted it wasn't official. Now it's hitting all the entertainment sites and there seems to be genuine interest. let's hope that it's a brave new chapter in our troubled franchise.
In the next few weeks I may have another Cinema Days event to attend - if the film line-up lines-up a little better than is curently the case -and I'm hoping Mark (Millar) will be down in London for Wanted press in the enxt few weeks. Ye Gods, we all need to get drunk with a comics genius once in a while!
Speaking of which, best wishes to Paul Cornell and wife Caroline who were involved in a serious car accident last week. Thankfully they're both okay - with just bruises, scrapes and scratches - but as you can read at his blog ( http://paulcornell.blogspot.com/ ) it was a very close-call. Paul's work on Doctor Who, Primeval, Wisdom and Captain Britain is some of the best genre work around at the moment, so a speedy recovery is a neccesity for all our sakes. You can also read an interview with Paul in the current Impact (see left)