Y awn! It always takes a few days to shake off the jet-lag and my sleep patterns are still buggered up. From deep sleep to wide-awake at the drop of a Zzzz. But hopefully by mid-week, I should be all realigned!

As those of you who frequent Facebook (and let's face it, ALL the cool kids are doing it!) will know, there'll be a new
Impact on the UK shelves in just over a week. #210. This is the cover we sorted out yesterday. Covers are always a bit interesting as the publisher, designer and myself usually disagree on the initial plan and then work towards a common goal. Sometimes that works out for the best, sometimes not, but interestingly this is probably the cover I would like to have gone with anyway, while at the same time suspecting I'd be out-voted. Originally it would have been a more Eastern look and a female variant on the 'Tough Guys' cover from last month, but the publisher wanted a strong public awareness (something I frequently point out brings in new readers) and this Terminator cover IS noticeable. As we enter the summer sales period, that's always important - as these issues often point us towards the style and coverage we'll seek out in the Autumn. Thus, please spread the word as every sale will count towards future decisions made. Contents include Terminator, the recent Highlander convention, Blood: The Last Vampire, a review of Michael Connelly's new novel The Scarecrow and a sneak preview of The Expendables...
In the next few days I'll also be updating the
Verbatim page here as I've repackaged the earlier print editions onto CD/DVD discs as PDF pages and they'll be for sale at a very respectable price (all monies will help towards my next US trip which I'd like to be sometime around September if everything goes well!)
I'll also be updating and bringing into the 'There Goes The Day' pages, some photography pages. I intend to spend a bit of serious time on design and photography during the later half of the year and see if I can bring in some more cash for those efforts. Journalism is fine, but in the current climate it's more competetive than ever and I need to diversify.
In the immediate future is probable Transformers press and also Cinema Days where I'll sit and watch 15 films or so over four days . I tell you, my work is never done...