It's Monday, which leaves me less than a week in Iowa for this trip (though I hope to be back again soon). I leave Friday, though not at the ridiculously early hours I ahd to be up in London and LA to catch flights! Home via Chicago and Heathrow
Again, there is still much of a taking-it-easy pace, spent between finishing some bits and peices for Impact (now largely done), helping around the house (and outside, doing some mowing today! Whoohoo!), eating of the delicious cosmic brownies (not as illegal as they sound)and some more opportunistic photography when and where I can.

A fan of old houses, Jill knew of some long, long abandoned properites on the edge of town, so we went to take some photos. Just inside the used-to-be-a doorway of one such derelict abode was this old piano, half the keys falling away and the ones that left only capable of a valiantly-attempted single note before giving up the ghost. A more colourful opportunity shot came with Ambrose, one of Jilly's cats, patrolling the garden. Most of Jill's pets are compelte hams for the camera and I'll probably post more pix later.
Mixed weather for the rest of the week, but should be warm, dry and sunny enough for those of us with only English rain to otherwise look forward to... oh, sweet Horsfordian rain how I've missed thee. NOT.
Great photos, John! I love 'em! :)